My participation in the Sageuk universe has been very limited lately due to a heavy workload.  I have gleaned my updates from other bloggers and from what I am reading it does not seem like I am missing much.

Six Flying Dragons reviews I have read seem lukewarm at best
Mercahant sageuk
The Merchant,even the most loyal jang Hyuk fans seem to have abandoned ship

However despite the discouraging tone adopted about these two dramas I still intend to take time to watch them once I am free and then I can form my own opinion. I must admit this quarter has not been great when it comes to Sageuks. Scholar who walks the night took the path of Joseon Gunman for me,started out strong and by the time it was halfway through I was reading the recaps on rather than subject myself to the torture of watching it on a weekly basis. Like I said this has not been a good quarter for the sageuk genre from my perspective.

Sub titles for Jing Bi Rok are unavailable and it is hard for someone who does no speak the language to keep watching

Someone somewhere has decided it is not worth it to add subtitles to Jing Bi Rok and as such I have not been able to finish watching it and if it is the same fiasco as Queen Insoo then I know that this is  another good drama that I will never finish watching. The Ironic bit is that the sageuk that bores me to tears otherwise known as  Hwajung is being subtitled faithfully every week, I swear the universe has no concept of fairness.

Three musketeers has not returned due to previous low ratings

My eagerly anticipated wait for the Three Musketeers died a slow death as it was cancelled due to low ratings,I hate the fact that  TV producers all over the world never consider their Internet viewership as a valid audience that they should work to retain.

Anyways all complaints aside the year is not over and the two dramas I intend to watch may just surprise me. Please feel free to share your reviews of 2015 dramas with me in the comments section,especially the two I intend to watch any new information will be welcome.